How to Save the Day and Win Over Your Customers


Well readers, Buckeye Chuck (the Groundhog) was correct, spring has sprung here in Wisconsin. Before we start to jump for joy and whip out our shorts and flip flops remember this: spring means rain. While I am a fan of the increase in temperature I HATE rain more than any other weather in Wisconsin.

When you step out of the house in the morning: don’t forget your umbrella, rain boots and rain jacket unless you enjoy the rain and in that case you might as well move to Seattle. For me, the snow is way more enjoyable as this sort of weather leaves you a little colder but a lot drier. To let go of the last memory of winter I am going to discuss the Nissan car commercial the “Winter Warrior”.

The first 30 seconds of the commercial shows the images of the “winter warriors” aka the snowmen who are destroying the city and disrupting people on their drives. The following 30 seconds shows Nissan’s new product, the hero, that comes in to save the day by fighting off all of the snowmen with the car’s durable capabilities to whip through the snow and still make it to the destination.

Normally, car commercials are seen as B-O-R-I-N-G but this commercial did something different, something more than comparing itself to others or merely showing the capabilities of the machinery. What Nissan did was use a story line that was relatable that also showed the capabilities of the product so that the consumer understood both this car as well as the message.

Unfortunately, us Midwesterners can relate to those terrible snowy days when that car ride home seems nearly impossible. Nissan’s “winter warrior” fought the fear and showed consumers how durable the car can be even through the worst of conditions.

The best aspect about this commercial is how Nissan identifies the common consumer problem: cars don’t function well in the snow. Nissan takes this problem and shows those consumers who have purchased cars who fail to properly operate in these conditions and shows that even in the worst conditions Nissan will get you where you need to go.

Not only does the hero fight off the winter warriors, they fight off consumer fears that their car won’t be able to fight through the snow. Believing in the product shows both the reliability and brand loyalty to the brand. Reliability leads to trust within the company. Brand loyalty is one of the most important aspects in a company as consumers must be motivated to continue to purchase your product; otherwise they will go to another product to satisfy their needs.

I hope you all felt as kick ass after watching this commercial as I did. Who knows, maybe next winter we will all be driving Nissans around in the terrible Midwest winter.

Your brand should solve a problem.

(Guest blogged by Taylor Beer)

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